Author: Penelope LivelyDo I have a favorite character? Yes I do. I like the main character Kath. Sadly when Kath was talked about she had died. I felt that she didn't get much of a chance. She wasn't heard or seen by her older sister. Even her husband I wonder why he ever married her. The one person that seemed to have an intrest in her was just fasinated by her, in my option. But she did have a good friend Mary Packard. Kath was able to go to her and be herself, her one true friend. There were things going on with her that these people in her life could of appreciated and enrich their lives.
My thoughts on The Photograph: I thought the story was an intresting one. It was the only reason why I kept going on to read it. My true feelings were even though it was a short book, it was a very long story. The author took sections and explained how each character was and was with Kath. Sometimes it's better to say a tree is a tree. And forget about adjectives. Get right to the point. Instead this story just drug it's feet. Glyn, Kath's husband found this photo which said distroy on the envelope. But he decided to find out what the photo was all about. I would too until I seen where it was leading me. He found something that he didn't want to see. After getting the jest of who is wife was. He continued on the trail. Only to find out it's better to leave things the way they are. Can't change the past. He was too late. Instead he upset a lot of people. Hence where it was so boring to hear about each person that was in Kath's life. The moral of the story. Kath had touched everyone's life in a way. And if everyone took the time to get to know her. Her life might of meant something to her
Leave well enough alone!
It wasn't til the end of the book where I started to understand Kath. How she seemed to be a wonderful person. There was more to her than being flaky like a lot of people thought. It took all that time and people to read through to find out that a true friend (Mary Packard) was the one that believed in her.
I give this book a rating of: 3
just because I like the story.
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