This book was my least of my favorites. I like the concept of the story. Very interesting that a writer would want to dive into another aspect of writing and write on a mystery that was shaded to begin with.
But how the main character, Kathleen conducted herself I felt uneasy about. It's like she was pimping herself out. I get it that it had something to do with her childhood. But than again we all try not to be our parents. I can see how she related to the story of the Talbots. I'm glad to see that she learnt from this. And found that she does have friends that actually do care about her.
I felt the book slow and frustrating reading about the same thing happening to Kathleen. Not until the end did I find some juicy details that I wanted to read and want to finish the book.
I give My Dream of You 4
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This is a bookcrossing book. Don't know where it will be off to now.
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