The way it ended was a bit foreseen. You knew that Blomvist was going to be involved in her finding.
These are some things I found interesting along the way of reading this story .
1.The biggest point that was made, that changes wanted to be made so it is a real difference a person is making.
2.Funny how character described the bad people as a forest troll, leprechaun.
3.7 Eleven is sought out more than a grocery store in Sweden
4.Sweden has same concerns as we. One of the characters is looked down because he isn't married. But has a SO that is married.
5.A selective description of Lisbeth. "She was so dark that in the light her eyes might be raven black."
6.I see that in real life Sweden, there is things that happened that are just as bad as any other country. A politician being murdered. And she was a popular woman.
7.A look at one of the under appreciated professions, school teacher, devotes time to make things right in investigations.
8.I'll never look at evil just as a word. The "Evil" that Lisabeth tells is something that I am grateful not to go through
9.A clue for the next book. Lisabeth boxed and she boxed like scrapping with a hornet. "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest"
10.The title of book comes with something with fire to protect herself from her father. And here is where the "Evil" is.
Somewhere toward the end of book. It felt like it jumped characters. First talking about a journalist next talking about a fox.
A description of a character was compared to a horror movie. "The creature on the floor was no girl, but a being from the other side of the grave who couldn't be conquered with human strength or weapons known to man"..
Looking forward to the next book, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest. I'm sure author will wrap up loose ends. I hope to see Lisabeth happy again. And the rest of characters find their way to their own destiny. But first I need to catch up on my summer books.
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I give The Girl Who Started the Fire 4
I give The Girl Who Started the Fire 4