I'm not sure why I picked this story. I had my eye on it before. But I guess with my new artsy cover for new kindle paperwhite probably.
Was interesting to find out that this was a true crime, a $500 million dollar art heist at the Gardner Museum in Boston in 1990.
The characters really weren't top. I found the main character Claire who had a rough go at it in beginning was just annoying. She knew what she was doing.The questions she had, I would slap her. With her investigative work on finding the "original" painting droned on with all these artist. The forgery (I think that was the most wonder) itself wow what people would go through. Especially Belle who gathered all these paintings for a museum.
Story kept alluding about a certain person being in a painting, odd. All along readers I would think would know who this person was. I liked Claire's friends. Hanging out @ Jake's the bar that all the artist knows. The one character that didn't make sense, Issac, classic what would you do for love? And whatever happened to that money Claire had to put in different accounts. Never heard anything more after painting was done. Hmm...
Wasn't really excited. Found myself toward the end skimming chapters. Just too long and sometimes confusing. The story itself was great. I do agree with other reviewers how the art history was presented not a page turner
What leads me to agree with the question the author leaves, what would any of us be willing to do to secure our ambitions, to get what we want?, unknown artists, famous artists, gallery owners, collectors, Belle, me and you?
I give Art Forger 4
because it just was so long and drawn out. Characters were interesting but other than that.... I'm glad I read it though