Sunday, April 24, 2022
The Guest List
Sunday, April 17, 2022
The Mammy
Marion has health problems and Agnes is there for Marion with her at doctors.
Meanwhile Cathy gets her bangs cut by a nun. And Agnes has enough with the nun. Throws a cucumber at her then goes to jail. At trail the question, why? I couldn't put it better myself. Agnes laughed. "Ha! What policeman would arrest a nun on my word as quick as I was arrested on hers"?
Thought it interesting when Cathy had her Confirmation that they would go to relative to friend's house and was given money.
Agnes meets the Frenchman by accident. Looking in his store at a carpet. Cathy was with her. He tried talking to her. But they didn't understand a word each other said. But Cathy and she laughed and said he was handsome anyway.
There was an outing for all the kids. But they went separately. The funniest was Mark who didn't have a tent and Agnes bought him one. Unfortunately it was a teepee.
Agnes grieves for 3 days @ Foley's and was surprised Monica knew about Marion's daily visit to church. "Hello God, it's me Marion".
Agnes felt better stepping into the church for Marion's funeral. She heard a warm voice say "Hello Marion, it's me God!"
Well having a date with Pierre was a mistake. After a night of drinking Agnes comes out of bar and throws up. Not just that, she throws up her false teeth. Puts them in her pocket and when Pierre asks her out on date she throws her teeth in with tissue stuck to it. Sounds like Arf! Arf! The night turned out pretty good. Except for the kiss.
Mark found a trade. By 1st helping an older man start his fireplace on weekend where he could not since he was Jewish and it was Sabbath. It's good for him to be nice and genuine.
With Agnes and Mark working when Christmas rolls around each could give. Mark buys a tv for the family. And Agnes gives for the kids. Especially Mark he will get tools for his trade. Agnes pays for a newspaper everyday to see what's on the telly.
To get the rest of money for Mark's tools Agnes tells the boys to go and get the union check that is the Christmas benefit that Redser would of gotten. With Trevor and Dermot's mouth gets them in trouble. They run in a stranger's room. This stranger hears all about Marion, their dad, Mark's job.
Surprise! Surprise! Who shows up at the house is Cliff Richards! The famous singer with tickets sold out.
"Sometimes this turbulent, tragic, sad, and busy world turns on it's head and comes to a sudden halt. Just to accommodate someone's dream... Dream on Agnes Browne for everyone's sake. Dream on!"
Always! 5___>