Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Christmas Pearl

It’s not everyday a book comes along and it hits the nail on the head. This is what I’ve been feeling recently.
As I get older I think to myself, “What’s going to happen to me?” Nothing is the same. Things are changing. Christmas is materialized and the spirit is not there anymore. And your family, the grandkids, children have their own agenda. What’s a mom, grandmother, wife to do?

This is exactly what Theodora thought. She lost her husband. Her parents passed, along with her brother. And the person who took care of her, Pearl. Her children grown had kids of their own. And no one had that Christmas spirit. No one believed anymore

Theodora’s house started talking to her. Telling her she needs to do something to be able to live her rest of her life in peace.
As Christmas is magical who walks in is Pearl. She takes over her old job. Of course Pearl needs to earn her wings. So she sets to get Theodora and her family on the right path.

Bumps along the road. A lot of walking down memory lane. Theodora stands together with her daughter Barbara. Barbara finds her voice, gets her kids in line. And sets her husband straight.

After all that Pearl needs to go. Theodora asks to come with her. Which is understandable. I would miss my husband too. I know I miss my parents and brother all the time. Christmas time is especially hard. Pearl says she needs her family. And her family needs her.

The story gives a nod to some of the Christmas movies we see. And that is one way it is a nice story.

I give The Christmas Pearl 5————>

I always liked Dorothea Benton Frank’s books


Thursday, December 08, 2022

The Christie Affair

There was so much chatter around this book that I decided to read it. It was said in a time of Agatha Christie's life she went missing for I believe it was 11 days. No one really knows what happened to her or where she went. That is the story.

The author Nina de Gramont, built a story around Agatha Christie's disappearance. Although an intriguing thought it just dragged on. It wasn't for me til I got around the 85% of the book it started to take off and have some juice to it.
We know that Agatha didn't stay with 1 husband. So it makes sense to build that thought of an affair. Not only for her husband but for Agatha too.

I found myself getting a little confused on which character was speaking. I feel the author kept going back and forth.
There was a murder in this story. And there was very little mention of it to solve. And I thought the story should be around Agatha. Where half the book talked about Nan who was the mistress. We finally find out that the murder had something to do with Nan.

It was nice to read about Christie in another light. That she not only had passion for her Piorot, she had a passion that she could be better and deserved more. Then what she got.

I give The Christie Affair 4 
I would of like to give a 3 but the story was based on truth loosely.