Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hide and Seek

This is the first time that I read anything of this author, James Patterson. I had a couple of his books, the #1, 2 but didn't seem to interesting to me.

I picked this book I seen there was a character named Maggie and she was a singer. I also have a sister named Maggi and she is also a singer. Although I would never wish on her what happened to Maggie in Hide and Seek.

With her 1st husband I know that women in real life go through what she did. I know from experience what some military people would do. I loved how the story revolved around her singing that she and her daughter had something to really feel and always count on.

Although Maggie had it hard but she seemed to walk into the same situation she tried to get out of. What a wiredo that Will (2nd husband) was. Sadly she had to prove her innocence with that one.

And of course through all of this, right before her 2nd husband she finds love. Just in time to lose him. What luck she has. The one thing that she had of that relationship, she had a 2nd child. We are all blessed with children that make us happy.

I like how the chapters were short that made me want to read more. I believe it would start getting boring with just a 1, 2, etc books and I'm glad to have read this one. I have more James Patterson books and will get to read them.

I give Hide and Seek 4

A Bookcrossing book and I will probably wild release it. Maybe this time someone will make a catch.
Amazon says Customers bought mostly all of James Paterson's other books.

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Lovely Bones

Author: Alice SeBold

I thought this story was sad in a way to find out right off the bat on how Susie died.
It is a story that was told by Susie that she made it to heaven. And watched over her family on how they coped of her death and how they got their lives, or tried to get back to normal. I thought that Susie's mother's coping with the death was strange but I guess everyone grieves in their own way.

It is a story that was told beautifully. It made me start thinking of my own life and family. All the how's and why's. I would like to think that my dad is up in heaven looking down and making sure things are right.

The Salmon Family had a dog named Holiday. Holiday got old and went to his Rainbow Bridge and stayed with Susie. I'm happy to know that someone else believes in the Rainbow Bridge. I know my Sammy is there and some day I will see her :)

Heaven for Susie is not all happy and floating like angels. It gives a reality check when a person is taken from their world brutally that their heaven is of frustration and they search out why.

I related to most of the sites in the book. It is based in Philadelphia,PA where I am from. Even though it was written in the 70's some of the wording I had to laugh because I haven't heard that since I was young. ie. the word highball

The meaning of The Lovely Bones was explained in the book. How I think of why it is, that all of Susie's family came together. They found comfort in knowing that somehow Susie did touch each of their lives. Whether they believed she was right beside them or not. Sadly they couldn't have a closure of how we know. So knowing that they had each other would be the best feeling.

I give The Lovely Bones 5

This is a bookcrossing book and will be on it's way to: MO
Amazon says What Do Customers Ultimately Buy After Viewing This Item? 50% buy the item featured on this page ; 30% buy The Lovely Bones: Deluxe Edition; 9% buy The Lovely Bones; 6% buy Almost Moon:The Novel

I really wanted to read more from this author. Looking at the stories that she wrote I see that she writes just on the experience that she had as a young adult. Thats fine, but when it is story after story of similarities
it gets boring. So I feel that The Lovely Bones is the best book she has done.

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