My only book that I read so far of Coelho's. Not a bad story but a little slow in the beginning. I see there were little lessons in there. It focused on love,soul mate, sex. Would I want to look for my soul mate through mistakes, or just know by the light that a person carries?
I'm not sure magic, like Tradition of the Sun would be what I would want to find my soul mate. For what magic could tell me, I can find otherwise with someone that connects just as well.
I found it surprising that Brida at such a young age would go through witchcraft because she has that Gift. Also witchcraft as Tradition of the Moon was teaching her of God& being there for her. You never associate witchcraft with God in a good way.
Dark Night being another lesson of having faith in yourself and God. The one thing that I saw that Coelho used sex as a tool of example of being as one. And commend Lorens for sticking with Brida.
I could see that Brida acted mature for her age which I think that the story was brought together. You could believe her as knowing of witchcraft and seeking out the teacher, Magus. sticking with the lessons with Wicca for being a witch.
At the end, I felt that I wished Brida good luck on sharpening her Gift. And she and Lorens find that peace together.
I give Brida 4
because it was a cute story but slow in beginning and Brida being so young.
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