This series is one of my favorites. I loved Stephanie Plum the first time I read about her in Visions of SugarPlums. So I thought I would review one Stephanie Plum book at least.
Stephanie never really wanted to be a bounty hunter. It just so happens that her cousin Vinnie, owned a bail bound place and was looking for some help. Well Stephanie needed a job and he had one, so she gave it a whirl.
Her love interst, Joe Morelli, WoHo! boy do sparks fly when they are together. She might bumble around some but Stephanie always gets her guy. Or girl too in the case of Four to Score.
Did I notice anything different in this book?: Well yes in a way. Stephanie seems to be growing up. What do I mean? In the begining she was a mess at this bounty hunting stuff. Even with her guy Joe trying to help her. LOL! there was always light hearted laughter through out the story. but now it's straight to the point, for real bounty hunter Stephanie.
Is the outcome effected in any way? Stephanie is not as funny with her bounty hunting as she used to be. She is serious about her job now. So book really doesn't start getting funny til around the middle. But it does keep your interst. There's always that hint of tension between her and Joe. That really throws her off. LOL!
New characters that I like: Grandma Mazur
Stephanie's dad,
Lula . And I can't forget Ranger
Why do I like these characters? Grandma Mazur is a hoot. In the story Grandma went on a surveillance trip with Stephanie and crew. She spotted the person that they were watching for and Grandma jumped on the poker table (at the casinos in New Jersey), ran after the person and while outside talking with the rest of the crew some hoodlums came up behind them and Grandma turned around with her gun that she wasn't allowed to have ;),
Stephanie's dad is getting more vocal. Especially when it comes to Sally,Stephanie's new friend. Sally is a Drag Queen and dad is old school. He doesn't like the idea of Sally doing what she does. So in explaining he says some wierd things. And who couldn't like Lula. Lula is an ex hooker that Stephanie helped out in the first book. And now she works in the office of the bail bond place.
And I can't forget about Ranger. Eye candy for Stephanie? A nice guy who does things his own way, very mysterious bounty hunter that helps out Stephanie too.
Other characters that are alright: Stephanie's mom
Old school, Jeresy mom. Always has a good meal waiting
Joe Morelli
A cop that knows Stephanie since grade school. Not bad to look at but is/will be Stephanie's main squeeze. And also helps out Stephanie in ways she doesn't even know. LOL!
I do recommend this series. What fun, books I call my comfy books :D
I give Four to Score 5
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This is a bookcrossing book and I don't know where the next adventure for it will be. But hope whoever gets it will love it as much as me :)

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I have to tell you, I hated the first in the series. But when I joined BookCrossing and saw everyone talking about it, I figured if a copy came my way in a bookbox, I'd grab it and try again.
I wound up trying out Four To Score.
I've been hooked on the series ever since.
Glad to see it wasn't just me this book worked its magic on.
I'm glad you liked it! I've only read 1 and 2 but enjoyed them so far :)
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