Thursday, October 15, 2020

Long Bright River


I picked this book to read because I saw an interview done of the author by our local anchorperson. I found out later that she was a teacher from my son's university. So now I'm interested.

Long Bright River was a good story. The author took time to take us through step by step of a story about two sisters and family. Very much the thought of how the main character "Mickey"went through life thinking to take care of her sister around what was given to her from her grandmother.

The chapters of Now and Then explained why Mickey was always looking for her sister "Kacey". How she got involved with the program PAL. And became a cop. How she became a mother.
Mickey talks of her neighborhood, Kensington, Port Richmond, Fishtown. Places are known of drugs. Along with family issues and finding her sister maybe on a corner somewhere strung out. There is a mystery also going on.

Mickey uses what she knows from being a cop to find out who is doing these killings. Hence why she looks for Kacey. What I noticed is that she isn't the best cop I thought. She relied on her partner to carry her through. So when she finds out about the killer on her own, it seems a bit of a bumble. Not sure if this is about the way she grew up. A grandmother tough as nails. Mother that she lost from drugs. And her father gone away from her (presumed dead). Even her extended family (cousins) have a hard time really liking her. I feel Mickey in her own had every good intention to help. But just didn't relay it too well.

There are a few highlights I feel that sums up how I like this story. The Long Bright River as of Kacey's vein. Telling the story of the awful disease of drugs.

I give Long Bright River 4 
The reason. I felt the chapters very drawn out just to tell how Mickey's son Thomas slept. Or how she  couldn't open up to her old partner Truman etc..
I hope to be able to read another book of Liz Moore. Interesting author.

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